Korisse Valent

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Korisse, or Kori as she is known to her friends, managed to get a job as an ‘illusionist’; at the Hesperange Theatre despite not knowing a lick of magic. Instead, she relies on training from her family’s alchemical practice. Her parents, Claude and Maurine Valent have factories that manufacture both munitions and fireworks, but Kori found the theatre a far more fascinating and dynamic challenge.

After accepting a contract a year previously to provide pyrotechnics for one particularly ambitious production, she stuck around and was constantly looking for new approaches to stage effects. There she met Obern Severin, a Castalia trained sorcerer with a more traditional approach. The two became close and started courting. When Obern chose to enlist in the Army at the outbreak of the Second Psyrene War, the pair married. Korisse gave birth to their daughter, Marie Estelle Valent nine months later, while she was working managing alchemical research at her parents munitions factory. Shortly after Marie's birth, Korisse learned that her husband had been killed in action. Rather than return to the theater and its associated memories, or back to the factory in tacit approval of the conflict that had taken her beloved, Korisse turned her inqusitive mind and artistic spirit to photography and the emerging film industry. Now, in addition to being an heiress to her parents fortunes, she has made a name for herself as a director of artistic films, as well as a top contributor to special effects and cinematography.