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Diablotin Game 59
{{logtoc|Diablotin 1|59}}
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Fifth-month, 2197:
Fifth-month, 2197:
    * 15th: The group tell the Empress what happened to them, and talk with her about many subjects while in a heavily-warded room in the palace. Afterwards, they talk briefly amongst themselves.  
The group tell the Empress what happened to them, and talk with her about many subjects while in a heavily-warded room in the palace. Afterwards, they talk briefly amongst themselves.
Session Start: Mon Jan 17 18:33:08 2005
Session Ident: #changeling
* Logging #changeling to 'C:\Files\IRC Logs\game59.EsperNet'
[Diablotin_Narrator] A full week has passed since you returned from your escapades in the past, and you are beginning to settle back into your ordinary lives, as best as you can.
[Diablotin_Narrator] Your supervisors have been understanding of your requests to take time looking up details about your former selves (if that is in fact what they were), but sooner or later duty calls and you must resume your day-to-day work in the Imperial Guard - though your thoughts are often distracted by what it is hard not to see as more important matters.
[Diablotin_Narrator] The only related duty still hanging over your heads is your report to the Empress... and what you're going to say to her, how you'll explain what happened, you haven't quite decided. Still, it needs to be done...
[Diablotin_Narrator] (so, if you want to take any time to talk over what you're going to tell her, now would be the time :)
[Falke] (Will Exeas or casavant be there too, or just us? :o)
[Falke] (I assumed our superiors would report to her, not us. :) )
[Kalman] So...
[Belden] (I thought Exeas was going to talk to her, too...)
[Kalman] (I thikn they are giving us the discretion on this one)
[Belden] So.
* Belden sighs, her hands folded in her lap.
[Kalman] I'm tempted to just tell her everything.... although I know you won't all agree.
* Kalman looks to Belden.
* Falke shakes his head.
[Belden] We *know* she's not in control of herself...
[Kalman] I understand your fears.... but do we realy want to *lie* to her?
[Belden] No, we can't/
[Belden] Maybe we should tell her that part first.
[Kalman] I don't really know what our other options are.
[Falke] And that cold presence came last time we talked about these things.
[Kalman] alright.
[Kalman] And see how much she presses us for.
[Belden] And then... Yes.
[Falke] I *really* don't think telling our enemy everything we know is a very good strategy.
[Kalman] I wish there was some way to tell when she *was* in control of herself.
[Belden] See what happens.
[Kalman] really though...
[Kalman] It isn't like the demons don't know about the other arch, or where it is...
[Kalman] or considering the presence that we felt, that we went through it.
[Kalman] The only thing that would be new to it is what the arch showed us.
[Belden] Yes...
[Kalman] And I would be surprised if our ennemy. or enemies didn't already know those stories as well.
[Pavo] But it was there too, wasn't it?
[Belden] But that we know it...
[Kalman] Whether or not they know about the connection to *us*... well, we aren't even certain about that
[Belden] ANd that we might have been the same people there back then...
[Boden] if they knew all about it...why not do something about it? LIke move it like we did the other arch?
[Belden] Well... you felt that thing down there.
* Kalman nods
[Belden] If MAtaline hadn't saved us... it would have consumed us all.
[Belden] Why would they need to move it?
[Pavo] They'll never move the Arch without a really good reason anyway.
[Belden] Or, why would they *feel* they need to, I guess.
* Kalman nods
* Boden nods
[Belden] But if they know what we know... well...
[Kalman] I tihkn that we can get away with telling her a lot... and maybe there will be some more things that she can answer for us, now... Maybe.
[Belden] There's no telling what might happen. Maybe nothing, but...
* Belden trails off, shaking her head.
[Kalman] She already knows where we are.
[Kalman] I suppose... that if it comes down to it, we don't have to tell her that we experienced these events as specific people
[Boden] Why don't we start by tellin' her were a bit afraid that that dark bad thing will come back when we start sayin' stuff.
[Boden] That seems to be what were worried about.
[Kalman] I thik we've already decided on that on, Boden :)
[Boden] oh, ok.
* Boden shuts up.
* Pavo laughs to himself.
* Kalman glances over at Pavo
[Kalman] what?
[Pavo] To think, we're sitting here talking about how we're going to lie to the Empress, and we're going to set... conditions on our meeting. I know we've done it before... but who'd have thought?
[Kalman] welll... I'm hoping we don't have to Pavo. I'd rather not.
[Kalman] :/
* Belden glances down at her hands, looking upset.
* Kalman sighs
[Kalman] I just don't want to give up on her... just to write her off.
* Kalman tries to explain, unhappily
[Belden] Nobody wants that.
[Kalman] We don't know how much control...whatever it is, has over her, or us... or even the demons.
[Kalman] ...
* Kalman looks around at the others...
[Boden] Well...Belden had thought about maybe doing another communion...maybe if she did that first we could answer more of those questions.
[Pavo] Is there anyone else we could talk to? bring with us?
[Belden] I should have asked better questions the first time...
[Kalman] If it would help, I thnk it would be a good idea. Do we have time?
[Belden] Anyone like who?
[Kalman] I don't think so pavo.... who else realy has any insight into this?
[Falke] ...
[Boden] We could talk to Blessing first....he might think of some good questions.
[Pavo] Maybe the Seventh? They might be able to think of something...
[Pavo] It's been a long time, they might have come across something similar.
[Belden] I... I don't know how wise it would be to bring them here...
* Kalman nods remembering the earlier discussions
[Falke] Belden, I think a while ago I mentioned that supposedly there's a person who tends to the Arch in the palace... Someone who has been through it themselves while an Emperor is in power, so they are not really like an Imperial Candidate.
[Belden] There isn't time for a proper Communion... These things mustn't be rushed.
[Falke] I don't know if this person really exists though.
[Falke] But if he or she does, do you think they'd be of any help to us?
* Falke says carefully, trying to figure things out.
[Belden] (Have I ever heard of such a thing?)
[Kalman] maybe...But how woudl we find them?
[Diablotin_Narrator] (I think Falke did mention it in-game before... I don't think you've heard of it elsewhere.)
[Falke] Well, I imagine they're in the palace somewhere, close to the black Arch there.
[Kalman] we're not even sure where *that* is.
[Falke] If we could the black Arch, or convince Tristane to let us see it as part of our investigation, or something...
[Belden] I doubt very much that we'd be allowed in to see it.
[Pavo] Who's to stop Tristane, if she wishes it?
[Belden] What if she doesn't?
[Belden] Or it doesn't?
[Belden] :(
[Pavo] If *it* doesn't, we'll know it may be important that we do.
[Kalman] well.. we can ask.
[Kalman] We can ask about the keeper too for that matter. if she can't or won't tell us, that doesn't stop us from looking elsewhere
[Falke] It might be a waste of a Communion question, but if Tristane won't tell us, maybe the Ox could at least confirm that a Keeper exists.
[Falke] It would maybe be a lead.
[Falke] It's up to you.
[Kalman] Well... we'll figure that out if Belden decides to do another one...
[Kalman] Lets' just focus on what we're going to tell tristane.
[Falke] Yes, that's all I meant. That if you do another one, Belden, that might be a useful thing to know.
* Kalman secretly wishes Loch was here... we don't always agree, but he is the smart one :p
* Kalman does not miss his judgey looks though!
[Kalman] so.. We go, we tell her thhat, according to Ox, she isn't completely in control of herself, and theat we're worried that that cold presence will come back if we keep talking.... and see how much she wants to know?
[Belden] I guess so.
[Kalman] And how much we actually *can* tell her
[Kalman] Alright.
[Boden] ok.
[Pavo] Maybe this sounds stupid, but maybe we should do this...
[Pavo] I don't know... less defensively?
[Kalman] And the only thing we might want to hide is our connection... opotential connection, even, no matter how likely it seems to us, with the lives we experienced. right?
[Pavo] Can we sit there and try to be friendly, chummy, while we're talking about something so important with the Empress?
[Belden] WHat do you mean?
[Boden] She hired us to these jobs *because* we were her friends. She needed people she could trust.
[Pavo] Do we really want to be sitting in a meeting room somewhere, sitting across from her in a g roup, telling her she's possessed by evil and that we can't trust her?
[Kalman] She does trust us.
[Boden] I don't think she likes bein' all talked to like she's way better than everyone else.
[Pavo] So I'm just saying maybe we should try not to talk like guards?
[Kalman] I don't now Pavo.... I suspect it wouldn't come tas a big surprise to her, not really.
[Kalman] She used to be one too pavo. i thik she'll understand
[Kalman] Alright.
[Belden] I guess we should get on with it.
[Kalman] I don't think we need to.. or realy intend to, act any differently towards her then we normally do.
* Boden nods in agreement.
[Falke] Right. So I'll let the rest of you do the talking to her. ;)
[Kalman] heh
[Kalman] . o O ( probably it will mostly be me and Belden. )
[Kalman] As you like :)
[Falke] :)
[Kalman] (So... off we go?)
[Boden] (sure)
* Falke will slip next to Kalman as they walk.
[Falke] You mentioned that you know how to get into the Maiden's Tower, right?
[Kalman] Yes...
[Falke] Did you happen to notice any other passages branching off from that one, or do you think from its layout that there might be some, also hidden?
[Kalman] I'm sure there are many different passages in the palace, if that's what you mean. I don't think there were any branches in that one.
* Falke nods.
[Falke] If no one will tell us where the black Arch is, I hoped maybe we could find it.
[Falke] If it would be useful.
[Falke] Anyway...
[Kalman] maybe... we might be able to get a general idea of where it is from a map... but I think the island itself has changed a lot in the intervening years
* Falke nods.
[Kalman] it is worth trying.
[Falke] Hopefully. :)
* Falke continues on the way to see Tristane without saying much more.
[Diablotin_Narrator] You arrive at the palace and, after a short wait, you are permitted to see the Empress.
* NPCa is now known as Tristane
* Kalman glances over at belden....
[Kalman] . o O (Do you want to start this, or should I?)
* Tristane receives you on the wide patio of her living quarters, looking out over the private section of the Imperial Gardens.
* Belden appears calm now, one hand holding her staff, and the other lightly resting on the symbol of the Wheel.
* Tristane wears her usual trousers and shirt, and looks relaxed and pleased to see you.
* Kalman smiles to see her
[Tristane] Hello there :)
[Kalman] Ello, yes... it's been a while hasn't it?
* Boden smiles at his friend.
* Belden bows her head respectfully.
[Tristane] Well, I'm sure you've been busy.. I think the last time we saw each other was... Belden's wedding?
* Kalman nods
[Belden] Yes, some time ago, now.
[Kalman] Maybe not *that* long then... it just seems it :o
* Tristane smiles.
[Kalman] (two weeks!)
[Belden] (meh, it seems longer to me)
[Tristane] It does seem like a long time ago... What have you been up to?
[Kalman] (No, you are one of the many may... I mean 5th month weddings ;)
[Kalman] Well... Funny you should ask.
[Belden] Well, I guess that's why we're here...
[Kalman] We're actuall here to give you a formal report,
[Tristane] Oh?
* Kalman nods
[Belden] (didn't we have an appointment? did she not know we were coming?)
[Kalman] I thought you knew.... but no matter, I suppose :o
* Belden looks over at Kalman...
[Kalman] Well.
* Kalman isn't really sure where to start, now :o
[Kalman] I guess it started on the fifth.
[Belden] Has Exeas or the Captain told you any of what's happened recently?
[Tristane] No...
[Tristane] Well, nothing out of the ordinary.
* Tristane looks curious.
[Kalman] Well, we'll fill you in then.
[Belden] I see...
[Kalman] . o O ( they didn't even tell her we were missing :o Jerks! )
[Belden] We went to investigate the passage beneath Stone's End, in Rhenea...
[Kalman] And we wanted to follow up on that
[Kalman] there was more to the place then we'd been able to investigate the first time around.
* Tristane nods, listening.
[Kalman] We thought it might extend underneath the black down.
[Kalman] and, we were right
* Kalman glances over to belden, no sure where exactly we shoudl put in our warning
[Kalman] ...
[Tristane] Hm.
[Belden] There was ... something down there.
* Kalman nods
[Kalman] But...
[Kalman] before we go too far, there's something else we wanted to tell you, that we found out after all of this.
[Belden] Yes...
[Belden] -_-
[Tristane] Oh? What's that?
* Kalman shoot Belden a meaningful glance.... meaning ' I'll do it if you don't want to :o'
[Belden] Do you recall a time when we spoke to you about.. .related things...
[Tristane] Yes... this is connected to that?
* Belden begins carefully.
* Kalman nods
[Belden] Do you remember the... presence that manifested?
[Tristane] I remember... cold.
* Tristane says cautiously.
[Boden] (sm, is Tristane being more distant with us today? Or am I just reading too much into it?)
[Kalman] We're concerned, about somethign like that happening again
* Kalman explains.
* Falke looks around inconspicuously if possible, while Kalman and Belden talk with Tristane. Is there anything interesting to note about her quarters (what I can see of them from the patio, anyway), the patio or garden? Signs of Althea or anything like that? ;)
[Belden] That was extremely worrisome to us, you have to understand...
[Tristane] Yeah, well.. me too.
[Belden] That was not the first time we'd encountered this.
* Kalman smiles a little at that
[Tristane] They've set up a warded room for me...
[Kalman] oh?
[Tristane] We could talk there, if you'd prefer. They say nothing can get through it.
[Kalman] that might be best.
* Belden looks uncertain.
[Belden] . o O ( If it's inside her, will that make a difference? :( )
* Pavo is a little relieved to know the room exists at all...
[Tristane] Sure.
* Kalman too :o
* Tristane leads you in through the wide doors into the palace, through a small section of her private quarters (where you can't see too much, Falke, and no sign of Althea), and down several hallways...
[Kalman] Thanks.
* Falke will memorize the layout of her quarters, at any rate.
* Kalman will try to remember the way here, at least
* Tristane eventually winds up at an ornately-carved wooden door, marked with, among other designs, the Sign of the Wheel.
[Tristane] Here we go...
* Tristane waves aside the guards there and opens the door.
* Kalman will follow her inside
* Falke does as well, looking around curiously.
[Diablotin_Narrator] The room inside is a simply decorated salon, but there are no windows, and you can feel a dampening, deadening atmosphere as soon as you step inside.
[Kalman] Wow... it is sort of ...oppressive in here, isn't it :o
[Tristane] Yeah, well... I don't really love it either, but it's useful.
[Falke] Quite.
* Kalman nods
* Tristane opens the lights, so it's less dark, anyway.
[Kalman] alright then..
[Tristane] Anyway... this is just about the most secure place in the palace. If you want privacy, this is as good as it gets :)
* Falke smiles; that's a bit better.
[Kalman] good to know :)
[Belden] I don't know if... privacy is the word
* Belden says quietly
* Kalman files that one away for future reference ;)
[Kalman] :/
[Kalman] Right.
* Tristane settles down to listen on one of the low couches.
* Kalman will sit as well
* Pavo looks around for a seat out of the way
[Kalman] Well...
* Falke remains standing, since he isn't really involved in the discussion too much. He'll remain alert for anything worrisome, like cold, evil presences.
[Belden] We have reason to believe that this... thing has somehow connected itself to you, through the Arch.
* Tristane nods.
[Tristane] It's marked all of us.
[Tristane] It's not supposed to do that...
[Belden] It's not just a mark...
[Belden] It's...
* Tristane nods.
[Belden] I've communed with the Ox, to ask about it.
[Tristane] The mark.. it's not a mark, not like a birthmark or something.
* Falke looks sharply at Tristane when she mentions that *all * of them have been marked.
[Belden] That's not what I'm saying.
* Kalman seems surprised regardless
[Belden] The Ox has told me... that you are no longer fully in control of yourself.
[Kalman] . o O ( that explains Blackhope, then )
[Tristane] No, I know...
* Kalman nods, he expected as much
[Tristane] Sometimes my mind gets ... foggy, I don't know.
[Kalman] I figured you would :/
[Belden] And the Ox couldn't tell me whether... whether it was safe for us to trust you.
[Tristane] Althea says it was like that for her, the whole time she was pregnant...
[Kalman] I'm not surprised.
[Belden] It's done something to her child.
[Tristane] I don't know whether it's safe either.
* Tristane says matter-of-factly.
[Boden] What about when you are in this room?
[Tristane] I think I'm still me, still the same. But here, I feel like I can talk more freely... sometimes, out there, there are things I can't make myself say.
[Kalman] That's good to know.
[Kalman] So...
[Belden] But once you leave this room...
[Tristane] Tell me what you think you can. I won't blame you if you can't tell me everything.
[Belden] . o O ( What will it do with what we've told you? )
* Falke 's respect for Tristane is raised a couple notches.
[Kalman] Alright.
[Kalman] We found the other half of the arch.
[Kalman] After we fought it's guardian...
[Tristane] ... under the Black Down?
[Kalman] and then, that same cold presence came after us
* Kalman nods.
[Tristane] The cold... thing. It's in the Arch.
[Kalman] We know.
[Tristane] It's part of it, or it *is* it. I don't know.
[Kalman] We were forced to go through the other half, to espcape, and it showed us things....
[Tristane] The future?
[Kalman] Like how the city was founded, and how and why the arch was moved in the first place
[Kalman] The past.
[Tristane] Ah...
[Kalman] Did the other arch shouw you things from the future?
* Tristane nods.
[Tristane] At least, I think that's what it was.
[Kalman] We wondered if that's how it worked...
* Falke keeps his expression schooled as he observes Tristane and her reactions.
[Kalman] Can you tell us what you saw?
[Falke] (I'm pretty sure she's telling the truth and stuff, but if anything seems odd, you'll let me know, right? (SM) )
[Diablotin_Narrator] (yes)
* Vess is now known as Loch
[Tristane] I... there were so many things. :/
* Tristane rubs her forehead.
* Kalman nods
[Tristane] I saw... a war. I saw Althea's daughter...
[Tristane] I don't know what any of it means.
[Kalman] :/
[Kalman] What was she doing?
[Tristane] Theonée?
* Kalman nods
[Tristane] Nothing.. I mean, I just saw her. Before she was born or anything, I saw her... She's not a normal baby.
[Falke] . o O (No kidding.)
[Kalman] No, she isn't.
[Kalman] There's something about her eyes...
* Kalman shakes his head distractedly
[Tristane] You get the feeling she just wishes she could walk and talk, and then we'd see something...
* Kalman nods
[Kalman] I know what you mean... and I've only seen her the once.
[Kalman] ...Do you always think about her like that?
[Tristane] I love her.
* Tristane says simply.
[Tristane] In here, or out there... the same.
[Kalman] . o O ( just like Althea... )
* Belden shivers slightly.
* Kalman nods
[Boden] Is she marked like you and Althea?
[Tristane] I don't know - it's not something you can see, like I said.
[Tristane] She needs that.. she needs someone to love her. She needs a good family. Otherwise... what will she turn into?
[Kalman] I can understand that....
* Kalman says, thoughfully.
* Falke looks saddened by the talk of Théonée.
* Tristane shakes her head, as if to clear it.
* Kalman looks around at the others in the group, especially belden and Sir Not appearing in the earlier parts of this scene.
[Tristane] So.. what did you see, if you can tell me?
[Kalman] We saw the fight to take the city from the people who were here before, and what the founders did to movethe arch... the first empress...
[Kalman] Well, she hadn't intended to go through it.
[Kalman] We learned some other things about the arch itself, too.
* Tristane listens intently.
[Kalman] the people who lived in the city before Wworshipped a powerful god, which lived in the arch, but wasn't bound to it.
[Kalman] Basically.. they worshipped the Void,
[Tristane] ...
[Kalman] Well.
[Kalman] When the first empress, Dorea, went through, she made some kind of bargain with it.
[Kalman] And when she came out... she'd been given power, and she had the instructions to move it
[Kalman] She wasn't from house bear though....
[Tristane] No? :o
* Kalman looks to the others, so they can stop him if they think I shouldn't say more.
[Kalman] No.
* Pavo nods
[Kalman] Welll... the house system wasn't really what it is now...
[Kalman] But she would have been from House Rat.
[Kalman] There were seven houses.
[Belden] Tribes.
[Tristane] o_O
[Kalman] yes, tribes.
[Kalman] And when she came out... the constellation for rat was also gone.
[Tristane] That's.. so strange.
[Kalman] yes.
* Kalman agrees
[Tristane] so... what happened to her House? Tribe, whatever.
[Kalman] Well...
[Kalman] We're not really sure.
[Kalman] But I did tell you about those people, living under the city...
* Tristane nods.
[Belden] They're descended from her tribe.
[Tristane] I guess that makes sense... sort of.
[Falke] And, if she became House Bear, isn't it possible the rest of her tribe also joined the other houses?
[Belden] The Rat...
[Kalman] We don't know... it was soo long ago... who knows when the house system was formalized?
[Belden] It's part of what's under the down now.
[Kalman] But they're still there, so clearly, they didn't *all* join up
* Kalman nods to belden
* Boden didn't realize that either....He's learning so much right now.
* Falke nods to Kalman.
[Kalman] That's what it showed us, anyway...
[Tristane] Okay... But why?
[Kalman] We don't know.
[Kalman] maybe that's just what it *does*.
[Tristane] Fair enough... I don't know why I saw what I saw either.
[Loch] Things are coming to a head. Whatever is bound by the Arch is stirring. We know that.
* Kalman nods...
[Tristane] Which Arch, though?
[Tristane] Or is it both?
[Kalman] Maybe both...
[Belden] They were meant to be one.
[Falke] They were one, once.
* Kalman nods
[Loch] Reflections of eachother.
[Tristane] So, what happens with one, will also happen with the other?
[Falke] ...
[Kalman] We don't know.
[Kalman] Maybe.
[Falke] I don't know. I don't think they're the same. They are equal, but opposite, maybe.
[Loch] I doubt it's that straight forward. What happens to one affects the other.
* Falke nods to Loch.
[Tristane] Okay...
[Loch] Moving one did not move the other, for example.
[Loch] but it did affect them both.
[Falke] . o O (And Mataline said the white one wasn't tainted, whereas the one you went through...)
* Falke nods again, agreeing with Loch.
[Pavo] I still don't understand why the arch that isn't supposed to be tainted was the one that created the Black Down...
* Falke looks sharply at Pavo.
* Kalman shakes his head... he doesn't know either
[Belden] -_-
[Kalman] I don;t know either...
[Kalman] I'm guessing that the God is only bound in half of it.
[Belden] Whereas before they were... balanced?
[Tristane] Maybe.. but there must still be *something* in the other half, or it would just be.. stone.
[Kalman] Maybe its rat.
[Tristane] So that was part of her... bargain?
[Kalman] We don't know... we don't know what it was.
[Falke] Maybe. We don't know what her bargain was, though. :/
[Tristane] Well... there must be some way to figure it out.
[Belden] It's hard to understand what we're dealing with when we have only seen half the puzzle...
[Kalman] We're hoping so!
[Loch] That is very true
[Tristane] It can't be coincidence that her god... fell? after she went through. And her House disappeared, and we don't even remember it...
* Pavo watches Belden
* Kalman nods
[Belden] If we were able to examine the arch here... it could make the difference.
* Belden says earnestly.
* Falke is pleased but does not let it show.
[Tristane] I... don't know. I'm not its guardian... I would let you see it, if it were up to me. But what if the cold presence comes back, if you get near to it?
[Belden] Even that would tell us something...
[Kalman] Does it have a guardian?
[Belden] As the Empress... surely there is something you can do?
[Tristane] It does..
[Kalman] Do you think they would not want us to see it?
[Kalman] and... yes, does it matter, your majesty ;)
[Tristane] Yes. No one is supposed to go there except the candidates.
* Kalman nods
[Kalman] what kind of guardian is it?
[Falke] (Does it seem like she won't bend on that, in light of what we've just told her, Julia?)
* Kalman aks, suddenly wondering whether it is a person at all :o
* Falke nods, also interested to know.
[Kalman] I mean... is it someone, or some*thing*....?
[Tristane] It's a person.. or, it was, I suppose. I don't know if it still is, exactly.
[Falke] Is it someone who went through the Arch when there was already an Emperor?
[Kalman] Do they haev a name?
[Tristane] It would have to be, I suppose - they were already there when I arrived for the testing, and they couldn't have been there when Enzephir was chosen... at least, I don't think they could have.
[Belden] Could we speak to this guardian?
[Tristane] I... guess so. Maybe.. if they were willing to speak to you.
[Falke] It could be very helpful.
* Falke says hopefully.
[Tristane] It's not up to me.
* Kalman nods
[Tristane] All I could do is take you there, or close...
[Falke] Of course.
[Tristane] Like I said, it's not me you'd have to convince.
[Kalman] who?
[Tristane] To let you see it? The guardian, obviously.
[Falke] The Guardian would choose whether he or she wants to speak to us, I think.
[Kalman] (n/m, I misunderstood)
* Falke nods.
* Belden looks a little uneasy about how this conversation is going.
[Kalman] alright.
[Kalman] We did see more than just the conquest of the city...
[Tristane] Oh?
[Kalman] We were also shown episodes from the Quicksilver War.
[Tristane] Really? :o
* Tristane looks very interested.
[Kalman] And the final show-down between Vivine and Enzephir.
* Tristane nods, listening.
[Kalman] Why are you so interested in it?
* Kalman asks curiously
[Kalman] Is it just because of Enzephir?
[Tristane] Because.. it seemed like some of the things I saw in my testing.
[Tristane] I wanted to know... if it was the same, for them.
[Kalman] Ahh.
[Kalman] I don't know if it was.
[Kalman] They seemed to all think that Vivine was truly chosen
[Tristane] I've talked to Jacobine, but... well, first of all it's hard to get much sense out of her, and also, I think now she's the only one left, maybe whatever.. bond, or whatever they shared, is gone.
[Kalman] Even at the final battle, that's how it seemed. they wanted to try and change what they were shown, or told.
[Tristane] But they couldn't change it?
[Tristane] Or do you think they did?
[Falke] . o O (Children of chaos and void are we...)
* Kalman pauses, the nods.... it is still strange to think that his grandmother has been alive this whole time, and his mother doesn't even know.
* Tristane sounds half-hopeful.
[Kalman] I think that things didn't turn out how they had been intended....
[Kalman] but in the end, what they had been told was still true.
[Kalman] So... yes and no.
* Tristane nods slowly, considering.
* Falke gives Kalman an odd look.
[Tristane] I think it misleads... or tries to.
[Kalman] Vivine still died... but Enzephir won the war, and he kept his place for a very long time...
[Belden] It definitely has its own agenda.
[Falke] Enzephir thought Vivine was the true Empress, and wanted to die.
[Kalman] I don't thik that's what the Arch intended.
* Kalman nods to belden.
[Falke] But Vivine died instead.
[Kalman] he wanted to protect his sister. he was *expecting* to die... that sitting on the throne made him fill the prophecy.
[Tristane] I think it's trying to make another civil war...
[Kalman] Before him.... none of the emperors lahad lasted particularly long in quite some time.
* Tristane nods.
[Falke] He was expecting to die because he believed he wasn't the one chosen by the Arch to rule.
[Kalman] How were things decided, then?
[Kalman] When you came to power?
[Falke] And yes... it does look that way.
* Falke says to Tristane.
[Falke] . o O (You and Althea are Enzephir and Jacobine, while Raymar is Vivine.)
[Tristane] We all have the mark... or some part of it, I guess.
* Kalman nods
[Falke] Do you know if that happened before?
[Tristane] That's what I've been trying to find out.
[Tristane] If I knew, my mind would rest a fair bit easier.
* Falke nods.
[Kalman] :/
[Tristane] It was decided between us.. inside. I.. lasted the longest.
[Boden] Is there any magic that can look for it? LIke does Jacobine have it?
* Tristane struggles to explain.
[Kalman] ahh.
[Tristane] It's not something you can find with magic... it's something in your mind.
[Tristane] It's a ... bond.
[Loch] The war wasn't tied to the forces with the Arch... it was all the three's doing.
[Kalman] a bond with what?
[Tristane] A bond with the city.
[Kalman] ahh.
[Kalman] Interesting...
[Loch] I had thought of that, that it seemed like things were being manipulated to repeat history, but Pasith communed with Ox and that connection was false.
[Tristane] What do you mean?
[Belden] Well... It said that blackhope was not allied with the entity.
[Tristane] But... that doesn't mean it's not repeating history.
* Falke nods.
[Belden] That does not necessarily mean that the Duke, or someone else, has not been influenced.
[Falke] Yes.
* Falke agrees with Belden and Tristane.
[Tristane] Raimar...
* Kalman nods
[Kalman] I don't know much about *him*....
[Tristane] I can't imagine he's allied with it, anymore than I am.
[Kalman] But his father in law is ambitious enough _
[Falke] Well, perhaps allied is not the correct term.
[Kalman] If they thought they could lay any claim to the throne, or make any case for it...
[Falke] If Raimar is being influenced by the thing in the Arch, as you are, then he might not be an ally, but a servant.
* Falke looks apologetic.
[Tristane] I'm sure he's influenced more by the Duke than anything else.
[Falke] Well, that's a relief.
[Falke] :)
[Kalman] Are you sure?
[Kalman] . o O ( bastard _ )
* Kalman says dryly to Falke
* Kalman glances over at pavo to see if he is thinking the same thing
* Pavo nods to Kalman, he wasn't, but gets his meaning.
* Falke looks over at Kalman.
[Falke] I just mean... I find humans easier to deal with than Gods.
[Kalman] Well.... It is a relief to hear that he doesn't have any demoonic allies, anyway
[Tristane] It doesn't matter who's influencing it, if there's a war, there's a war.
* Kalman nods
[Kalman] Has there been any intelligence from Blackhope?
[Tristane] And if there are undead, or worse...
[Tristane] Some.
[Kalman] :/
* Pavo comes close to saying something, but returns to watching the others.
[Kalman] anything you can share?
[Pavo] No... no.
[Tristane] I'm afraid not, not right now... But it does seem like... the dead are being raised.
* Kalman pales a little.
[Kalman] oh.
* Falke pales as well.
[Kalman] :|
[Belden] ...
[Pavo] I guess that's no surprise...
* Belden had feared as much...
[Belden] -_-
[Kalman] No... but it isn't something I was hoping to have confirmed.
* Tristane nods.
[Falke] Well... we killed that big dead thing... we can kill little ones too, right?
* Falke tries to look on the bright side.
[Kalman] Well.... hopefuly we won't *have* to.
* Belden gives Falke a blank stare.
[Falke] If, ah, "kill" is the correct term for it.
* Falke ignores Belden.
[Tristane] These are people...
[Pavo] I don't think she's talking about monsters...
[Kalman] yeah.
[Pavo] The man we 'followed' to Blackhope had the confidence of returning as a man behind his words, not that of returning as a ... creature.
[Kalman] Well. if there is anything we can do to help with that...
[Tristane] I'll let you know.
[Belden] There are different ways of raising the dead, Pavo.
* Kalman nods.
* Tristane says with a half-smile.
[Belden] All of them are... an affront.
* Kalman will half-smile back
[Belden] But some are even worse than others.
[Belden] -_-
[Kalman] we *are* at your command :)
* Pavo was talking to Falke, not defending raising the dead :P
* Kalman will not think about the undead if he doesn't have to, thank you.... ceepy :o
[Belden] . o O ( Oh, those poor people... )
* Belden is visibly shaken by the thought.
[Kalman] Well...
* Boden has a sudden realization....
[Boden] um....
[Kalman] I think we've ben through everything we came to report....
[Falke] . o O (It's not like I think it's right that they're raising dead people who should be left in peace. Just that if we have to fight things like that, it can be done. Void them all. :P )
[Boden] hey, I know another way we can find out about things.....
[Boden] Its a spell Pietro knew...I think Owl grants it.
* Boden seems very worried to be sugesting this.
[Boden] So...you know...its not an affront or nothing...
[Tristane] . o O ( Pietro? )
[Belden] What is it?
[Boden] but its kinda....um...
[Boden] see....
* Boden is worried.
[Boden] Its a spell that lets you ask questions of the dead. I think they can be dead a pretty long time.
[Boden] And they don't lie to you neither.
* Falke looks a bit disgusted.
* Boden is a bit disgusted too....
[Belden] ...
[Falke] Look, if they're raising the dead in Blackhope, using them to fight for them, how is it any different if we do stuff like that, Boden?
[Falke] The dead should be left in peace.
* Falke says with conviction.
[Belden] I know of this spell...
[Pavo] If souls have moved on... how can you raise the dead?
[Boden] He thought about it a lot. See...it doesn't summon there soul or anything...it just that some memories stay with your body after you die.
[Belden] If the soul has already moved on, then you can't speak with it.
[Pavo] Oh...
[Boden] So the "you" is allready gone. Its just your body still got some information in it.
[Boden] Pietro planned on usin' it if a friend of his died, to ask if there was any messages he wanted passed on.
[Belden] That's not quite true Boden.
[Boden] oh....
* Boden will let Belden continue on then.
[Belden] You do speak to their essence... their memory. But it isn't an... offensive spell. It doesn't disrupt the soul's progression.
[Belden] WHereas undeath...
[Belden] Undeath robs the soul of its future... -_-
* Kalman shudders slightly
[Kalman] what happens when you kill something undead? What hapens to the soul?
[Belden] It is... released... but to where...
[Belden] We don't know.
[Kalman] ahh.
* Falke looks even more pale.
[Kalman] ...Who who ever consider it?
* Kalman just doesn't understand how people could *do* that :o
* Belden shakes her head wordlessly.
[Kalman] :/
[Falke] People like the Duke of Blackhope, obviously.
* Falke says, feeling sick.
[Kalman] right.
[Loch] what was your idea Boden? Who did you want to speak with?
[Boden] well...I don't know *who* to speak with...just that the spell doesn't hurt them none.
[Boden] So we could still ask somebody...or try to...even if they've moved on and stuff...
[Belden] If they've moved on, the spell won't work.
[Boden] oh...I didn't know that.
[Falke] You're actually calling on their soul.
[Falke] Right?
[Boden] but I just wanted to let you guys know about it.
* Falke asks Belden to make sure he understands it.
* Belden nods...
[Falke] We don't want to do that, do we?
* Falke asks, hopefully.
[Boden] But its not like your making it your slave Falke.
[Falke] ...
[Boden] Its not like the other stuff.
[Belden] Not even a little...
[Boden] Owl grants the power to its followers and stuff.
[Boden] Its not the same as that other stuff at all.
[Loch] It's something to consider, but if we don't have someone we want to speak with, there is little to discuss at this time.
* Kalman nods
* Boden nods to Loch
[Kalman] Well.... now that we're all in a cheery mood....
[Kalman] Is there anything else?
* Kalman loks at the others assembled
* Boden doesn't have anything else.
* Tristane looks around expectantly.
* Loch shakes his head "no"
[Kalman] I guess not then.
[Tristane] Well.. thank you for telling me this, anyway.
[Tristane] I really do appreciate it.
* Pavo looks at Loch...
[Kalman] Thank you for telling us more about your experiences, too.
* Pavo fiddles his hand, a fragment of an arcane gesture.
* Pavo looks questioningly.
[Tristane] I'm just glad that I *could* tell someone...
* Kalman smiles
* Tristane says with a little shrug and a smile.
[Kalman] I'm glad we could help, then.
[Loch] Thankyou
[Tristane] Welcome...
[Falke] Thank you, your Majesty.
[Kalman] I guess, we shuld probably go back and do dome real work :p
* Tristane chuckles.
[Kalman] Unless you thik it would be a good time to try and meet the guardian of the Arch?
[Tristane] I could permanently relieve you from boring guard work, if you'd like ;)
[Tristane] Oh...
* Tristane looks more serious again.
[Tristane] I don't know. I could take you there any time... I don't think there'd be one time that was better than another. :/
* Kalman looks at the others, then
[Tristane] You might need to prepare yourselves, though.
* Kalman nods
[Falke] How so?
* Falke asks curiously... wondering what they're getting themselves into now.
[Kalman] And really.... I think I've had my quota of creepy conversations for the day -_-
[Tristane] Heh.
[Belden] :/
[Falke] I could pick up some flowers or chocolates before dropping by to visit the guardian, I suppose.
[Tristane] And.. I don't know about preparing yourselves. YOu might have a better chance of getting in if you're purified the way candidates are...
* Falke jokes.
[Kalman] heh. Alright. how is that?
[Falke] ...
* Falke also wonders, but is a bit wary of what that might entail.
[Tristane] Fasting... bathing... isolated from the world for seven days...
[Kalman] ahh... that would take some planning.
* Tristane nods.
[Falke] Okay...
[Pavo] For that, at least, we might need you to get us out of our duties...heh.
* Falke turns to the rest of the squadron.
[Falke] Do you mind terribly if I get married *before* we do that?
[Belden] *blink*
[Falke] Ilse is going to think I don't really want to have anything to do with her at this rate...
[Pavo] Haha
[Falke] ;)
[Tristane] I don't even really know if that will help.. it's just a thought.
[Belden] I don't know if I can do that, anyway. :(
[Falke] Oh, yes... :/
[Kalman] :/
[Kalman] Well... we can talk about it more too
* Boden nods to Kalman.
[Kalman] Thanks for everyithing, though
* Kalman says to tristane, standing
[Tristane] Don't worry about it.
[Falke] Yes, thank you, your Majesty.
* Tristane stands as well.
[Tristane] I can get someone to show you out...
[Kalman] . o O ( if my anniversary is in two days, then it was probably almost exactly a year ago that I was at her sister's funeral... )
[Kalman] Alright.
* Tristane directs one of the guards outside this room to lead you back to the main entrance.
* Kalman will pay attention to the way
* Falke as well.
    * Game 59
[Diablotin_Narrator] You are outside the palace gates once more... what now?
[Kalman] Well... Back to the ofice?
[Kalman] (What time is it?)
[Diablotin_Narrator] (noon-ish, say)
[Kalman] Or, we could get lunch...
[Falke] How about to the mess hall?
* Falke agrees.
[Pavo] We could talk about her offer over lunch...
[Boden] I'm good for that.
[Kalman] alright
[Belden] SUre...
* Kalman will head that way, then
* Falke wonders what the void kind of thing the guardian is... :o
[Diablotin_Narrator] You arrive at the mess hall and get your lunches.
* Kalman will get food and get seated, once we are there, and settle down for whatever conversation we're starting into now :o
[Kalman] I think that went really well.
[Falke] It went better than I would have expected.
* Falke agrees.
* Belden nods quietly.
[Pavo] No evil cold entity...
* Kalman nods
[Kalman] That room was a good idea
[Falke] I'm glad she has something like it, where she can be safe, if not comfortable.
[Kalman] . o O ( or maybe no one has anything to say afterall.... )
* Kalman nods
[Kalman] exactly
[Falke] ...
* Kalman will eat then.
[Falke] I am worried, though... if history is repeating itself, as it seems to be doing, then Althea and Tristane seem to me to be the counterparts for Enzephir and Jacobine... and whenever I think of them, I hear "brother and sister fo shadow and void..."
[Falke] Which doesn't sound particularly good. :/
[Kalman] I don't think it is going to be exactly the same
[Falke] I hope not. :/
[Kalman] We should still try to talk to jacobine.
[Falke] We didn't ask about that, though...
[Kalman] no....
[Falke] You thinking of going the unofficial route?
[Kalman] But we could, I'm sure.
* Falke nods.
[Kalman] it would be easier if we didn't have to... I just didn't think of it.
[Kalman] there was so much else to discuss.
[Belden] ... You're not talking about breaking into the palace, are you?
[Belden] :O
[Falke] Either way, I'd like to go along. There's just so much I don't understand.
[Kalman] have you asked the new matriarch about it, Belden?\
* Falke looks over at Belden and smiles mischievously.
[Belden] I don't think that's a good idea...
[Falke] Breaking in? I live there. For now, anyway. It's not breaking in if it's your house.
[Falke] But no, we should try the official route first.
[Kalman] Well, no.
* Kalman nods
[Falke] It just slipped our minds to ask today.
[Kalman] but what about the Matriarch?
[Belden] ... What about her?
[Kalman] have you asked her about seeing jacobine?
[Belden] Oh, of course... No.. no, we hadn't gotten the chance.
[Kalman] well...
[Kalman] it would probably be just as easy to ask Tristane... if we can remember :p
* Kalman will finish his lunch then
[Pavo] And about her offer? Is anyone interested?
[Falke] I am... I think.
[Belden] Offer?
[Belden] Oh...
[Belden] I don't know.
[Falke] To meet the guardian...
[Falke] I think it would be useful.
[Pavo] No...
[Boden] I'll go.
[Boden] I don't mind doing that stuff.
* Kalman listens, because he isn't sure exactly who is talking about what :o
[Pavo] ... when she offered to let us out of the guard.
* Falke gives Pavo an odd look.
[Falke] I think she was just joking.
[Falke] We can't leave now... when so much hinges on us.
[Falke] And I don't want to anyway.
[Falke] What else would I do with my life, if I'm not a guard?
[Kalman] ... I think I missed that :o
[Belden] Once this is over...
[Belden] All the things we're dealing with now, that's one thing... but after that's done...
[Pavo] Who knows when it will be over anyway...
[Kalman] :/
[Belden] I don't know if being a palace guard is really what's right for me.
* Falke smiles.
[Pavo] Even if it does deal with us, who's to say it won't be in another ten or twenty years.
[Kalman] YOu could always ask to be transferred back...
[Boden] really Belden? What would you do instead?
[Falke] I'm sure you could transfer out into another division again, if you wanted.
[Belden] I might, Kalman...
[Kalman] or, if that wasn't what you meant... you could go somewhere else
[Kalman] Maybe they'd give you your own ;)
[Belden] I like to be more hands-on with people...
[Kalman] I'm sure you'll have earned it by then :)
[Boden] :)
[Falke] Oh... ssay, Belden...
[Falke] I've been meaning to ask...
[Belden] I'll probably have to take a bit of time off anyway...
[Kalman] . o O ( at the very least :o )
[Belden] Hm?
* Kalman nods
[Falke] The empty houses on your street... would you mind if I fixed one up?
[Falke] I've been wanting to start a free school for a while now, for kids from Pearl and the Shambles.
[Falke] I have money now, from the Stone's End treasure.
[Belden] THere are lots of houses all over Pearl... I'm sure any one of them would work wonderfully.
[Belden] It's a great idea. :)
[Falke] I'd only be able to offer evening classes for now... and only in reading and writing.
[Falke] But Ilse is sort of thinking of going to the Castalia...
[Falke] Some day we might be able to offer them more.
[Boden] She wants to study magic Falke?
[Falke] No. The Castalia teaches more than that.
[Falke] She likes history. :)
[Kalman] . o O ( Why can't I think of things like that... why can't I even have the *time* for something like that? ...:( )
[Falke] I was thinking I might be able to hire teachers eventually, by finding people who might match the funding I can provide...
[Falke] But... I'm not sure who to approach.
[Falke] I don't know who would want to help kids from Pearl.
[Belden] The Church@
[Kalman] hmm.
* Belden says brightly
* Falke smiles.
[Falke] I thought you might say that.
[Boden] yeah, and the spokesmen would help too I bet.
[Pavo] You might convince Loch to come by for a night a week if he's still nearby :)
[Falke] Maybe.
[Falke] Those are all good suggestions. Thanks. :)
[Falke] Is there someone in the Church I could talk to about it, Belden?
[Belden] Well there are lots of people who have similar goals :)
[Falke] Could you introduce me to some?
[Belden] Sure!
[Falke] Thanks. :)
* Kalman wonders if he would even have anything to contribute to an effort like that, or if anyone would take him seriously
[Kalman] Hmm...
[Kalman] I could maybe contribute something....
[Kalman] I'd have to talk to Glory... but *something*, surely.
* Falke smiles.
[Falke] That would be great, if you would, Kalman.
* Kalman nods
[Falke] And well... if any of you have time... you could always give some of that, too.
[Falke] I don't know how many kids will be interested in it.
[Boden] I bet there will be a lot.
[Pavo] I could probably babysit or something...
[Kalman] It's a really great idea.
[Pavo] I guess I can do a little of a lot of things... *shrugs* Enough to teach a six year old :)
* Falke smiles.
[Falke] All right... well, I better get a building fixed up first, so there will be a classroom.
[Falke] ^-^
[Kalman] that sounds like a plan :)
Session Close: Mon Jan 17 22:30:23 2005

Latest revision as of 06:37, 20 May 2015


Diablotin 1 session logs
Previous Session 59 Next


Fifth-month, 2197:

The group tell the Empress what happened to them, and talk with her about many subjects while in a heavily-warded room in the palace. Afterwards, they talk briefly amongst themselves.


Session Start: Mon Jan 17 18:33:08 2005 Session Ident: #changeling

  • Logging #changeling to 'C:\Files\IRC Logs\game59.EsperNet'

[Diablotin_Narrator] A full week has passed since you returned from your escapades in the past, and you are beginning to settle back into your ordinary lives, as best as you can. [Diablotin_Narrator] Your supervisors have been understanding of your requests to take time looking up details about your former selves (if that is in fact what they were), but sooner or later duty calls and you must resume your day-to-day work in the Imperial Guard - though your thoughts are often distracted by what it is hard not to see as more important matters. [Diablotin_Narrator] The only related duty still hanging over your heads is your report to the Empress... and what you're going to say to her, how you'll explain what happened, you haven't quite decided. Still, it needs to be done... [Diablotin_Narrator] (so, if you want to take any time to talk over what you're going to tell her, now would be the time :) [Falke] (Will Exeas or casavant be there too, or just us? :o) [Falke] (I assumed our superiors would report to her, not us. :) ) [Kalman] So... [Belden] (I thought Exeas was going to talk to her, too...) [Kalman] (I thikn they are giving us the discretion on this one) [Belden] So.

  • Belden sighs, her hands folded in her lap.

[Kalman] I'm tempted to just tell her everything.... although I know you won't all agree.

  • Kalman looks to Belden.
  • Falke shakes his head.

[Belden] We *know* she's not in control of herself... [Kalman] I understand your fears.... but do we realy want to *lie* to her? [Belden] No, we can't/ [Belden] Maybe we should tell her that part first. [Kalman] I don't really know what our other options are. [Falke] And that cold presence came last time we talked about these things. [Kalman] alright. [Kalman] And see how much she presses us for. [Belden] And then... Yes. [Falke] I *really* don't think telling our enemy everything we know is a very good strategy. [Kalman] I wish there was some way to tell when she *was* in control of herself. [Belden] See what happens. [Kalman] really though... [Kalman] It isn't like the demons don't know about the other arch, or where it is... [Kalman] or considering the presence that we felt, that we went through it. [Kalman] The only thing that would be new to it is what the arch showed us. [Belden] Yes... [Kalman] And I would be surprised if our ennemy. or enemies didn't already know those stories as well. [Pavo] But it was there too, wasn't it? [Belden] But that we know it... [Kalman] Whether or not they know about the connection to *us*... well, we aren't even certain about that [Belden] ANd that we might have been the same people there back then... [Boden] if they knew all about it...why not do something about it? LIke move it like we did the other arch? [Belden] Well... you felt that thing down there.

  • Kalman nods

[Belden] If MAtaline hadn't saved us... it would have consumed us all. [Belden] Why would they need to move it? [Pavo] They'll never move the Arch without a really good reason anyway. [Belden] Or, why would they *feel* they need to, I guess.

  • Kalman nods
  • Boden nods

[Belden] But if they know what we know... well... [Kalman] I tihkn that we can get away with telling her a lot... and maybe there will be some more things that she can answer for us, now... Maybe. [Belden] There's no telling what might happen. Maybe nothing, but...

  • Belden trails off, shaking her head.

[Kalman] She already knows where we are. [Kalman] I suppose... that if it comes down to it, we don't have to tell her that we experienced these events as specific people [Boden] Why don't we start by tellin' her were a bit afraid that that dark bad thing will come back when we start sayin' stuff. [Boden] That seems to be what were worried about. [Kalman] I thik we've already decided on that on, Boden :) [Boden] oh, ok.

  • Boden shuts up.
  • Pavo laughs to himself.
  • Kalman glances over at Pavo

[Kalman] what? [Pavo] To think, we're sitting here talking about how we're going to lie to the Empress, and we're going to set... conditions on our meeting. I know we've done it before... but who'd have thought? [Kalman] welll... I'm hoping we don't have to Pavo. I'd rather not. [Kalman] :/

  • Belden glances down at her hands, looking upset.
  • Kalman sighs

[Kalman] I just don't want to give up on her... just to write her off.

  • Kalman tries to explain, unhappily

[Belden] Nobody wants that. [Kalman] We don't know how much control...whatever it is, has over her, or us... or even the demons. [Kalman] ...

  • Kalman looks around at the others...

[Boden] Well...Belden had thought about maybe doing another communion...maybe if she did that first we could answer more of those questions. [Pavo] Is there anyone else we could talk to? bring with us? [Belden] I should have asked better questions the first time... [Kalman] If it would help, I thnk it would be a good idea. Do we have time? [Belden] Anyone like who? [Kalman] I don't think so pavo.... who else realy has any insight into this? [Falke] ... [Boden] We could talk to Blessing first....he might think of some good questions. [Pavo] Maybe the Seventh? They might be able to think of something... [Pavo] It's been a long time, they might have come across something similar. [Belden] I... I don't know how wise it would be to bring them here...

  • Kalman nods remembering the earlier discussions

[Falke] Belden, I think a while ago I mentioned that supposedly there's a person who tends to the Arch in the palace... Someone who has been through it themselves while an Emperor is in power, so they are not really like an Imperial Candidate. [Belden] There isn't time for a proper Communion... These things mustn't be rushed. [Falke] I don't know if this person really exists though. [Falke] But if he or she does, do you think they'd be of any help to us?

  • Falke says carefully, trying to figure things out.

[Belden] (Have I ever heard of such a thing?) [Kalman] maybe...But how woudl we find them? [Diablotin_Narrator] (I think Falke did mention it in-game before... I don't think you've heard of it elsewhere.) [Falke] Well, I imagine they're in the palace somewhere, close to the black Arch there. [Kalman] we're not even sure where *that* is. [Falke] If we could the black Arch, or convince Tristane to let us see it as part of our investigation, or something... [Belden] I doubt very much that we'd be allowed in to see it. [Pavo] Who's to stop Tristane, if she wishes it? [Belden] What if she doesn't? [Belden] Or it doesn't? [Belden] :( [Pavo] If *it* doesn't, we'll know it may be important that we do. [Kalman] well.. we can ask. [Kalman] We can ask about the keeper too for that matter. if she can't or won't tell us, that doesn't stop us from looking elsewhere [Falke] It might be a waste of a Communion question, but if Tristane won't tell us, maybe the Ox could at least confirm that a Keeper exists. [Falke] It would maybe be a lead. [Falke] It's up to you. [Kalman] Well... we'll figure that out if Belden decides to do another one... [Kalman] Lets' just focus on what we're going to tell tristane. [Falke] Yes, that's all I meant. That if you do another one, Belden, that might be a useful thing to know.

  • Kalman secretly wishes Loch was here... we don't always agree, but he is the smart one :p
  • Kalman does not miss his judgey looks though!

[Kalman] so.. We go, we tell her thhat, according to Ox, she isn't completely in control of herself, and theat we're worried that that cold presence will come back if we keep talking.... and see how much she wants to know? [Belden] I guess so. [Kalman] And how much we actually *can* tell her [Kalman] Alright. [Boden] ok. [Pavo] Maybe this sounds stupid, but maybe we should do this... [Pavo] I don't know... less defensively? [Kalman] And the only thing we might want to hide is our connection... opotential connection, even, no matter how likely it seems to us, with the lives we experienced. right? [Pavo] Can we sit there and try to be friendly, chummy, while we're talking about something so important with the Empress? [Belden] WHat do you mean? [Boden] She hired us to these jobs *because* we were her friends. She needed people she could trust. [Pavo] Do we really want to be sitting in a meeting room somewhere, sitting across from her in a g roup, telling her she's possessed by evil and that we can't trust her? [Kalman] She does trust us. [Boden] I don't think she likes bein' all talked to like she's way better than everyone else. [Pavo] So I'm just saying maybe we should try not to talk like guards? [Kalman] I don't now Pavo.... I suspect it wouldn't come tas a big surprise to her, not really. [Kalman] She used to be one too pavo. i thik she'll understand [Kalman] Alright. [Belden] I guess we should get on with it. [Kalman] I don't think we need to.. or realy intend to, act any differently towards her then we normally do.

  • Boden nods in agreement.

[Falke] Right. So I'll let the rest of you do the talking to her. ;) [Kalman] heh [Kalman] . o O ( probably it will mostly be me and Belden. ) [Kalman] As you like :) [Falke] :) [Kalman] (So... off we go?) [Boden] (sure)

  • Falke will slip next to Kalman as they walk.

[Falke] You mentioned that you know how to get into the Maiden's Tower, right? [Kalman] Yes... [Falke] Did you happen to notice any other passages branching off from that one, or do you think from its layout that there might be some, also hidden? [Kalman] I'm sure there are many different passages in the palace, if that's what you mean. I don't think there were any branches in that one.

  • Falke nods.

[Falke] If no one will tell us where the black Arch is, I hoped maybe we could find it. [Falke] If it would be useful. [Falke] Anyway... [Kalman] maybe... we might be able to get a general idea of where it is from a map... but I think the island itself has changed a lot in the intervening years

  • Falke nods.

[Kalman] it is worth trying. [Falke] Hopefully. :)

  • Falke continues on the way to see Tristane without saying much more.

[Diablotin_Narrator] You arrive at the palace and, after a short wait, you are permitted to see the Empress.

  • NPCa is now known as Tristane
  • Kalman glances over at belden....

[Kalman] . o O (Do you want to start this, or should I?)

  • Tristane receives you on the wide patio of her living quarters, looking out over the private section of the Imperial Gardens.
  • Belden appears calm now, one hand holding her staff, and the other lightly resting on the symbol of the Wheel.
  • Tristane wears her usual trousers and shirt, and looks relaxed and pleased to see you.
  • Kalman smiles to see her

[Tristane] Hello there :) [Kalman] Ello, yes... it's been a while hasn't it?

  • Boden smiles at his friend.
  • Belden bows her head respectfully.

[Tristane] Well, I'm sure you've been busy.. I think the last time we saw each other was... Belden's wedding?

  • Kalman nods

[Belden] Yes, some time ago, now. [Kalman] Maybe not *that* long then... it just seems it :o

  • Tristane smiles.

[Kalman] (two weeks!) [Belden] (meh, it seems longer to me) [Tristane] It does seem like a long time ago... What have you been up to? [Kalman] (No, you are one of the many may... I mean 5th month weddings ;) [Kalman] Well... Funny you should ask. [Belden] Well, I guess that's why we're here... [Kalman] We're actuall here to give you a formal report, [Tristane] Oh?

  • Kalman nods

[Belden] (didn't we have an appointment? did she not know we were coming?) [Kalman] I thought you knew.... but no matter, I suppose :o

  • Belden looks over at Kalman...

[Kalman] Well.

  • Kalman isn't really sure where to start, now :o

[Kalman] I guess it started on the fifth. [Belden] Has Exeas or the Captain told you any of what's happened recently? [Tristane] No... [Tristane] Well, nothing out of the ordinary.

  • Tristane looks curious.

[Kalman] Well, we'll fill you in then. [Belden] I see... [Kalman] . o O ( they didn't even tell her we were missing :o Jerks! ) [Belden] We went to investigate the passage beneath Stone's End, in Rhenea... [Kalman] And we wanted to follow up on that [Kalman] there was more to the place then we'd been able to investigate the first time around.

  • Tristane nods, listening.

[Kalman] We thought it might extend underneath the black down. [Kalman] and, we were right

  • Kalman glances over to belden, no sure where exactly we shoudl put in our warning

[Kalman] ... [Tristane] Hm. [Belden] There was ... something down there.

  • Kalman nods

[Kalman] But... [Kalman] before we go too far, there's something else we wanted to tell you, that we found out after all of this. [Belden] Yes... [Belden] -_- [Tristane] Oh? What's that?

  • Kalman shoot Belden a meaningful glance.... meaning ' I'll do it if you don't want to :o'

[Belden] Do you recall a time when we spoke to you about.. .related things... [Tristane] Yes... this is connected to that?

  • Belden begins carefully.
  • Kalman nods

[Belden] Do you remember the... presence that manifested? [Tristane] I remember... cold.

  • Tristane says cautiously.

[Boden] (sm, is Tristane being more distant with us today? Or am I just reading too much into it?) [Kalman] We're concerned, about somethign like that happening again

  • Kalman explains.
  • Falke looks around inconspicuously if possible, while Kalman and Belden talk with Tristane. Is there anything interesting to note about her quarters (what I can see of them from the patio, anyway), the patio or garden? Signs of Althea or anything like that? ;)

[Belden] That was extremely worrisome to us, you have to understand... [Tristane] Yeah, well.. me too. [Belden] That was not the first time we'd encountered this.

  • Kalman smiles a little at that

[Tristane] They've set up a warded room for me... [Kalman] oh? [Tristane] We could talk there, if you'd prefer. They say nothing can get through it. [Kalman] that might be best.

  • Belden looks uncertain.

[Belden] . o O ( If it's inside her, will that make a difference? :( )

  • Pavo is a little relieved to know the room exists at all...

[Tristane] Sure.

  • Kalman too :o
  • Tristane leads you in through the wide doors into the palace, through a small section of her private quarters (where you can't see too much, Falke, and no sign of Althea), and down several hallways...

[Kalman] Thanks.

  • Falke will memorize the layout of her quarters, at any rate.
  • Kalman will try to remember the way here, at least
  • Tristane eventually winds up at an ornately-carved wooden door, marked with, among other designs, the Sign of the Wheel.

[Tristane] Here we go...

  • Tristane waves aside the guards there and opens the door.
  • Kalman will follow her inside
  • Falke does as well, looking around curiously.

[Diablotin_Narrator] The room inside is a simply decorated salon, but there are no windows, and you can feel a dampening, deadening atmosphere as soon as you step inside. [Kalman] Wow... it is sort of ...oppressive in here, isn't it :o [Tristane] Yeah, well... I don't really love it either, but it's useful. [Falke] Quite.

  • Kalman nods
  • Tristane opens the lights, so it's less dark, anyway.

[Kalman] alright then.. [Tristane] Anyway... this is just about the most secure place in the palace. If you want privacy, this is as good as it gets :)

  • Falke smiles; that's a bit better.

[Kalman] good to know :) [Belden] I don't know if... privacy is the word

  • Belden says quietly
  • Kalman files that one away for future reference ;)

[Kalman] :/ [Kalman] Right.

  • Tristane settles down to listen on one of the low couches.
  • Kalman will sit as well
  • Pavo looks around for a seat out of the way

[Kalman] Well...

  • Falke remains standing, since he isn't really involved in the discussion too much. He'll remain alert for anything worrisome, like cold, evil presences.

[Belden] We have reason to believe that this... thing has somehow connected itself to you, through the Arch.

  • Tristane nods.

[Tristane] It's marked all of us. [Tristane] It's not supposed to do that... [Belden] It's not just a mark... [Belden] It's...

  • Tristane nods.

[Belden] I've communed with the Ox, to ask about it. [Tristane] The mark.. it's not a mark, not like a birthmark or something.

  • Falke looks sharply at Tristane when she mentions that *all * of them have been marked.

[Belden] That's not what I'm saying.

  • Kalman seems surprised regardless

[Belden] The Ox has told me... that you are no longer fully in control of yourself. [Kalman] . o O ( that explains Blackhope, then ) [Tristane] No, I know...

  • Kalman nods, he expected as much

[Tristane] Sometimes my mind gets ... foggy, I don't know. [Kalman] I figured you would :/ [Belden] And the Ox couldn't tell me whether... whether it was safe for us to trust you. [Tristane] Althea says it was like that for her, the whole time she was pregnant... [Kalman] I'm not surprised. [Belden] It's done something to her child. [Tristane] I don't know whether it's safe either.

  • Tristane says matter-of-factly.

[Boden] What about when you are in this room? [Tristane] I think I'm still me, still the same. But here, I feel like I can talk more freely... sometimes, out there, there are things I can't make myself say. [Kalman] That's good to know. [Kalman] So... [Belden] But once you leave this room... [Tristane] Tell me what you think you can. I won't blame you if you can't tell me everything. [Belden] . o O ( What will it do with what we've told you? )

  • Falke 's respect for Tristane is raised a couple notches.

[Kalman] Alright. [Kalman] We found the other half of the arch. [Kalman] After we fought it's guardian... [Tristane] ... under the Black Down? [Kalman] and then, that same cold presence came after us

  • Kalman nods.

[Tristane] The cold... thing. It's in the Arch. [Kalman] We know. [Tristane] It's part of it, or it *is* it. I don't know. [Kalman] We were forced to go through the other half, to espcape, and it showed us things.... [Tristane] The future? [Kalman] Like how the city was founded, and how and why the arch was moved in the first place [Kalman] The past. [Tristane] Ah... [Kalman] Did the other arch shouw you things from the future?

  • Tristane nods.

[Tristane] At least, I think that's what it was. [Kalman] We wondered if that's how it worked...

  • Falke keeps his expression schooled as he observes Tristane and her reactions.

[Kalman] Can you tell us what you saw? [Falke] (I'm pretty sure she's telling the truth and stuff, but if anything seems odd, you'll let me know, right? (SM) ) [Diablotin_Narrator] (yes)

  • Vess is now known as Loch

[Tristane] I... there were so many things. :/

  • Tristane rubs her forehead.
  • Kalman nods

[Tristane] I saw... a war. I saw Althea's daughter... [Tristane] I don't know what any of it means. [Kalman] :/ [Kalman] What was she doing? [Tristane] Theonée?

  • Kalman nods

[Tristane] Nothing.. I mean, I just saw her. Before she was born or anything, I saw her... She's not a normal baby. [Falke] . o O (No kidding.) [Kalman] No, she isn't. [Kalman] There's something about her eyes...

  • Kalman shakes his head distractedly

[Tristane] You get the feeling she just wishes she could walk and talk, and then we'd see something...

  • Kalman nods

[Kalman] I know what you mean... and I've only seen her the once. [Kalman] ...Do you always think about her like that? [Tristane] I love her.

  • Tristane says simply.

[Tristane] In here, or out there... the same. [Kalman] . o O ( just like Althea... )

  • Belden shivers slightly.
  • Kalman nods

[Boden] Is she marked like you and Althea? [Tristane] I don't know - it's not something you can see, like I said. [Tristane] She needs that.. she needs someone to love her. She needs a good family. Otherwise... what will she turn into? [Kalman] I can understand that....

  • Kalman says, thoughfully.
  • Falke looks saddened by the talk of Théonée.
  • Tristane shakes her head, as if to clear it.
  • Kalman looks around at the others in the group, especially belden and Sir Not appearing in the earlier parts of this scene.

[Tristane] So.. what did you see, if you can tell me? [Kalman] We saw the fight to take the city from the people who were here before, and what the founders did to movethe arch... the first empress... [Kalman] Well, she hadn't intended to go through it. [Kalman] We learned some other things about the arch itself, too.

  • Tristane listens intently.

[Kalman] the people who lived in the city before Wworshipped a powerful god, which lived in the arch, but wasn't bound to it. [Kalman] Basically.. they worshipped the Void, [Tristane] ... [Kalman] Well. [Kalman] When the first empress, Dorea, went through, she made some kind of bargain with it. [Kalman] And when she came out... she'd been given power, and she had the instructions to move it [Kalman] She wasn't from house bear though.... [Tristane] No? :o

  • Kalman looks to the others, so they can stop him if they think I shouldn't say more.

[Kalman] No.

  • Pavo nods

[Kalman] Welll... the house system wasn't really what it is now... [Kalman] But she would have been from House Rat. [Kalman] There were seven houses. [Belden] Tribes. [Tristane] o_O [Kalman] yes, tribes. [Kalman] And when she came out... the constellation for rat was also gone. [Tristane] That's.. so strange. [Kalman] yes.

  • Kalman agrees

[Tristane] so... what happened to her House? Tribe, whatever. [Kalman] Well... [Kalman] We're not really sure. [Kalman] But I did tell you about those people, living under the city...

  • Tristane nods.

[Belden] They're descended from her tribe. [Tristane] I guess that makes sense... sort of. [Falke] And, if she became House Bear, isn't it possible the rest of her tribe also joined the other houses? [Belden] The Rat... [Kalman] We don't know... it was soo long ago... who knows when the house system was formalized? [Belden] It's part of what's under the down now. [Kalman] But they're still there, so clearly, they didn't *all* join up

  • Kalman nods to belden
  • Boden didn't realize that either....He's learning so much right now.
  • Falke nods to Kalman.

[Kalman] That's what it showed us, anyway... [Tristane] Okay... But why? [Kalman] We don't know. [Kalman] maybe that's just what it *does*. [Tristane] Fair enough... I don't know why I saw what I saw either. [Loch] Things are coming to a head. Whatever is bound by the Arch is stirring. We know that.

  • Kalman nods...

[Tristane] Which Arch, though? [Tristane] Or is it both? [Kalman] Maybe both... [Belden] They were meant to be one. [Falke] They were one, once.

  • Kalman nods

[Loch] Reflections of eachother. [Tristane] So, what happens with one, will also happen with the other? [Falke] ... [Kalman] We don't know. [Kalman] Maybe. [Falke] I don't know. I don't think they're the same. They are equal, but opposite, maybe. [Loch] I doubt it's that straight forward. What happens to one affects the other.

  • Falke nods to Loch.

[Tristane] Okay... [Loch] Moving one did not move the other, for example. [Loch] but it did affect them both. [Falke] . o O (And Mataline said the white one wasn't tainted, whereas the one you went through...)

  • Falke nods again, agreeing with Loch.

[Pavo] I still don't understand why the arch that isn't supposed to be tainted was the one that created the Black Down...

  • Falke looks sharply at Pavo.
  • Kalman shakes his head... he doesn't know either

[Belden] -_- [Kalman] I don;t know either... [Kalman] I'm guessing that the God is only bound in half of it. [Belden] Whereas before they were... balanced? [Tristane] Maybe.. but there must still be *something* in the other half, or it would just be.. stone. [Kalman] Maybe its rat. [Tristane] So that was part of her... bargain? [Kalman] We don't know... we don't know what it was. [Falke] Maybe. We don't know what her bargain was, though. :/ [Tristane] Well... there must be some way to figure it out. [Belden] It's hard to understand what we're dealing with when we have only seen half the puzzle... [Kalman] We're hoping so! [Loch] That is very true [Tristane] It can't be coincidence that her god... fell? after she went through. And her House disappeared, and we don't even remember it...

  • Pavo watches Belden
  • Kalman nods

[Belden] If we were able to examine the arch here... it could make the difference.

  • Belden says earnestly.
  • Falke is pleased but does not let it show.

[Tristane] I... don't know. I'm not its guardian... I would let you see it, if it were up to me. But what if the cold presence comes back, if you get near to it? [Belden] Even that would tell us something... [Kalman] Does it have a guardian? [Belden] As the Empress... surely there is something you can do? [Tristane] It does.. [Kalman] Do you think they would not want us to see it? [Kalman] and... yes, does it matter, your majesty ;) [Tristane] Yes. No one is supposed to go there except the candidates.

  • Kalman nods

[Kalman] what kind of guardian is it? [Falke] (Does it seem like she won't bend on that, in light of what we've just told her, Julia?)

  • Kalman aks, suddenly wondering whether it is a person at all :o
  • Falke nods, also interested to know.

[Kalman] I mean... is it someone, or some*thing*....? [Tristane] It's a person.. or, it was, I suppose. I don't know if it still is, exactly. [Falke] Is it someone who went through the Arch when there was already an Emperor? [Kalman] Do they haev a name? [Tristane] It would have to be, I suppose - they were already there when I arrived for the testing, and they couldn't have been there when Enzephir was chosen... at least, I don't think they could have. [Belden] Could we speak to this guardian? [Tristane] I... guess so. Maybe.. if they were willing to speak to you. [Falke] It could be very helpful.

  • Falke says hopefully.

[Tristane] It's not up to me.

  • Kalman nods

[Tristane] All I could do is take you there, or close... [Falke] Of course. [Tristane] Like I said, it's not me you'd have to convince. [Kalman] who? [Tristane] To let you see it? The guardian, obviously. [Falke] The Guardian would choose whether he or she wants to speak to us, I think. [Kalman] (n/m, I misunderstood)

  • Falke nods.
  • Belden looks a little uneasy about how this conversation is going.

[Kalman] alright. [Kalman] We did see more than just the conquest of the city... [Tristane] Oh? [Kalman] We were also shown episodes from the Quicksilver War. [Tristane] Really? :o

  • Tristane looks very interested.

[Kalman] And the final show-down between Vivine and Enzephir.

  • Tristane nods, listening.

[Kalman] Why are you so interested in it?

  • Kalman asks curiously

[Kalman] Is it just because of Enzephir? [Tristane] Because.. it seemed like some of the things I saw in my testing. [Tristane] I wanted to know... if it was the same, for them. [Kalman] Ahh. [Kalman] I don't know if it was. [Kalman] They seemed to all think that Vivine was truly chosen [Tristane] I've talked to Jacobine, but... well, first of all it's hard to get much sense out of her, and also, I think now she's the only one left, maybe whatever.. bond, or whatever they shared, is gone. [Kalman] Even at the final battle, that's how it seemed. they wanted to try and change what they were shown, or told. [Tristane] But they couldn't change it? [Tristane] Or do you think they did? [Falke] . o O (Children of chaos and void are we...)

  • Kalman pauses, the nods.... it is still strange to think that his grandmother has been alive this whole time, and his mother doesn't even know.
  • Tristane sounds half-hopeful.

[Kalman] I think that things didn't turn out how they had been intended.... [Kalman] but in the end, what they had been told was still true. [Kalman] So... yes and no.

  • Tristane nods slowly, considering.
  • Falke gives Kalman an odd look.

[Tristane] I think it misleads... or tries to. [Kalman] Vivine still died... but Enzephir won the war, and he kept his place for a very long time... [Belden] It definitely has its own agenda. [Falke] Enzephir thought Vivine was the true Empress, and wanted to die. [Kalman] I don't thik that's what the Arch intended.

  • Kalman nods to belden.

[Falke] But Vivine died instead. [Kalman] he wanted to protect his sister. he was *expecting* to die... that sitting on the throne made him fill the prophecy. [Tristane] I think it's trying to make another civil war... [Kalman] Before him.... none of the emperors lahad lasted particularly long in quite some time.

  • Tristane nods.

[Falke] He was expecting to die because he believed he wasn't the one chosen by the Arch to rule. [Kalman] How were things decided, then? [Kalman] When you came to power? [Falke] And yes... it does look that way.

  • Falke says to Tristane.

[Falke] . o O (You and Althea are Enzephir and Jacobine, while Raymar is Vivine.) [Tristane] We all have the mark... or some part of it, I guess.

  • Kalman nods

[Falke] Do you know if that happened before? [Tristane] That's what I've been trying to find out. [Tristane] If I knew, my mind would rest a fair bit easier.

  • Falke nods.

[Kalman] :/ [Tristane] It was decided between us.. inside. I.. lasted the longest. [Boden] Is there any magic that can look for it? LIke does Jacobine have it?

  • Tristane struggles to explain.

[Kalman] ahh. [Tristane] It's not something you can find with magic... it's something in your mind. [Tristane] It's a ... bond. [Loch] The war wasn't tied to the forces with the Arch... it was all the three's doing. [Kalman] a bond with what? [Tristane] A bond with the city. [Kalman] ahh. [Kalman] Interesting... [Loch] I had thought of that, that it seemed like things were being manipulated to repeat history, but Pasith communed with Ox and that connection was false. [Tristane] What do you mean? [Belden] Well... It said that blackhope was not allied with the entity. [Tristane] But... that doesn't mean it's not repeating history.

  • Falke nods.

[Belden] That does not necessarily mean that the Duke, or someone else, has not been influenced. [Falke] Yes.

  • Falke agrees with Belden and Tristane.

[Tristane] Raimar...

  • Kalman nods

[Kalman] I don't know much about *him*.... [Tristane] I can't imagine he's allied with it, anymore than I am. [Kalman] But his father in law is ambitious enough _ [Falke] Well, perhaps allied is not the correct term. [Kalman] If they thought they could lay any claim to the throne, or make any case for it... [Falke] If Raimar is being influenced by the thing in the Arch, as you are, then he might not be an ally, but a servant.

  • Falke looks apologetic.

[Tristane] I'm sure he's influenced more by the Duke than anything else. [Falke] Well, that's a relief. [Falke] :) [Kalman] Are you sure? [Kalman] . o O ( bastard _ )

  • Kalman says dryly to Falke
  • Kalman glances over at pavo to see if he is thinking the same thing
  • Pavo nods to Kalman, he wasn't, but gets his meaning.
  • Falke looks over at Kalman.

[Falke] I just mean... I find humans easier to deal with than Gods. [Kalman] Well.... It is a relief to hear that he doesn't have any demoonic allies, anyway [Tristane] It doesn't matter who's influencing it, if there's a war, there's a war.

  • Kalman nods

[Kalman] Has there been any intelligence from Blackhope? [Tristane] And if there are undead, or worse... [Tristane] Some. [Kalman] :/

  • Pavo comes close to saying something, but returns to watching the others.

[Kalman] anything you can share? [Pavo] No... no. [Tristane] I'm afraid not, not right now... But it does seem like... the dead are being raised.

  • Kalman pales a little.

[Kalman] oh.

  • Falke pales as well.

[Kalman] :| [Belden] ... [Pavo] I guess that's no surprise...

  • Belden had feared as much...

[Belden] -_- [Kalman] No... but it isn't something I was hoping to have confirmed.

  • Tristane nods.

[Falke] Well... we killed that big dead thing... we can kill little ones too, right?

  • Falke tries to look on the bright side.

[Kalman] Well.... hopefuly we won't *have* to.

  • Belden gives Falke a blank stare.

[Falke] If, ah, "kill" is the correct term for it.

  • Falke ignores Belden.

[Tristane] These are people... [Pavo] I don't think she's talking about monsters... [Kalman] yeah. [Pavo] The man we 'followed' to Blackhope had the confidence of returning as a man behind his words, not that of returning as a ... creature. [Kalman] Well. if there is anything we can do to help with that... [Tristane] I'll let you know. [Belden] There are different ways of raising the dead, Pavo.

  • Kalman nods.
  • Tristane says with a half-smile.

[Belden] All of them are... an affront.

  • Kalman will half-smile back

[Belden] But some are even worse than others. [Belden] -_- [Kalman] we *are* at your command :)

  • Pavo was talking to Falke, not defending raising the dead :P
  • Kalman will not think about the undead if he doesn't have to, thank you.... ceepy :o

[Belden] . o O ( Oh, those poor people... )

  • Belden is visibly shaken by the thought.

[Kalman] Well...

  • Boden has a sudden realization....

[Boden] um.... [Kalman] I think we've ben through everything we came to report.... [Falke] . o O (It's not like I think it's right that they're raising dead people who should be left in peace. Just that if we have to fight things like that, it can be done. Void them all. :P ) [Boden] hey, I know another way we can find out about things..... [Boden] Its a spell Pietro knew...I think Owl grants it.

  • Boden seems very worried to be sugesting this.

[Boden] So...you know...its not an affront or nothing... [Tristane] . o O ( Pietro? ) [Belden] What is it? [Boden] but its kinda....um... [Boden] see....

  • Boden is worried.

[Boden] Its a spell that lets you ask questions of the dead. I think they can be dead a pretty long time. [Boden] And they don't lie to you neither.

  • Falke looks a bit disgusted.
  • Boden is a bit disgusted too....

[Belden] ... [Falke] Look, if they're raising the dead in Blackhope, using them to fight for them, how is it any different if we do stuff like that, Boden? [Falke] The dead should be left in peace.

  • Falke says with conviction.

[Belden] I know of this spell... [Pavo] If souls have moved on... how can you raise the dead? [Boden] He thought about it a lot. See...it doesn't summon there soul or anything...it just that some memories stay with your body after you die. [Belden] If the soul has already moved on, then you can't speak with it. [Pavo] Oh... [Boden] So the "you" is allready gone. Its just your body still got some information in it. [Boden] Pietro planned on usin' it if a friend of his died, to ask if there was any messages he wanted passed on. [Belden] That's not quite true Boden. [Boden] oh....

  • Boden will let Belden continue on then.

[Belden] You do speak to their essence... their memory. But it isn't an... offensive spell. It doesn't disrupt the soul's progression. [Belden] WHereas undeath... [Belden] Undeath robs the soul of its future... -_-

  • Kalman shudders slightly

[Kalman] what happens when you kill something undead? What hapens to the soul? [Belden] It is... released... but to where... [Belden] We don't know. [Kalman] ahh.

  • Falke looks even more pale.

[Kalman] ...Who who ever consider it?

  • Kalman just doesn't understand how people could *do* that :o
  • Belden shakes her head wordlessly.

[Kalman] :/ [Falke] People like the Duke of Blackhope, obviously.

  • Falke says, feeling sick.

[Kalman] right. [Loch] what was your idea Boden? Who did you want to speak with? [Boden] well...I don't know *who* to speak with...just that the spell doesn't hurt them none. [Boden] So we could still ask somebody...or try to...even if they've moved on and stuff... [Belden] If they've moved on, the spell won't work. [Boden] oh...I didn't know that. [Falke] You're actually calling on their soul. [Falke] Right? [Boden] but I just wanted to let you guys know about it.

  • Falke asks Belden to make sure he understands it.
  • Belden nods...

[Falke] We don't want to do that, do we?

  • Falke asks, hopefully.

[Boden] But its not like your making it your slave Falke. [Falke] ... [Boden] Its not like the other stuff. [Belden] Not even a little... [Boden] Owl grants the power to its followers and stuff. [Boden] Its not the same as that other stuff at all. [Loch] It's something to consider, but if we don't have someone we want to speak with, there is little to discuss at this time.

  • Kalman nods
  • Boden nods to Loch

[Kalman] Well.... now that we're all in a cheery mood.... [Kalman] Is there anything else?

  • Kalman loks at the others assembled
  • Boden doesn't have anything else.
  • Tristane looks around expectantly.
  • Loch shakes his head "no"

[Kalman] I guess not then. [Tristane] Well.. thank you for telling me this, anyway. [Tristane] I really do appreciate it.

  • Pavo looks at Loch...

[Kalman] Thank you for telling us more about your experiences, too.

  • Pavo fiddles his hand, a fragment of an arcane gesture.
  • Pavo looks questioningly.

[Tristane] I'm just glad that I *could* tell someone...

  • Kalman smiles
  • Tristane says with a little shrug and a smile.

[Kalman] I'm glad we could help, then. [Loch] Thankyou [Tristane] Welcome... [Falke] Thank you, your Majesty. [Kalman] I guess, we shuld probably go back and do dome real work :p

  • Tristane chuckles.

[Kalman] Unless you thik it would be a good time to try and meet the guardian of the Arch? [Tristane] I could permanently relieve you from boring guard work, if you'd like ;) [Tristane] Oh...

  • Tristane looks more serious again.

[Tristane] I don't know. I could take you there any time... I don't think there'd be one time that was better than another. :/

  • Kalman looks at the others, then

[Tristane] You might need to prepare yourselves, though.

  • Kalman nods

[Falke] How so?

  • Falke asks curiously... wondering what they're getting themselves into now.

[Kalman] And really.... I think I've had my quota of creepy conversations for the day -_- [Tristane] Heh. [Belden] :/ [Falke] I could pick up some flowers or chocolates before dropping by to visit the guardian, I suppose. [Tristane] And.. I don't know about preparing yourselves. YOu might have a better chance of getting in if you're purified the way candidates are...

  • Falke jokes.

[Kalman] heh. Alright. how is that? [Falke] ...

  • Falke also wonders, but is a bit wary of what that might entail.

[Tristane] Fasting... bathing... isolated from the world for seven days... [Kalman] ahh... that would take some planning.

  • Tristane nods.

[Falke] Okay... [Pavo] For that, at least, we might need you to get us out of our duties...heh.

  • Falke turns to the rest of the squadron.

[Falke] Do you mind terribly if I get married *before* we do that? [Belden] *blink* [Falke] Ilse is going to think I don't really want to have anything to do with her at this rate... [Pavo] Haha [Falke] ;) [Tristane] I don't even really know if that will help.. it's just a thought. [Belden] I don't know if I can do that, anyway. :( [Falke] Oh, yes... :/ [Kalman] :/ [Kalman] Well... we can talk about it more too

  • Boden nods to Kalman.

[Kalman] Thanks for everyithing, though

  • Kalman says to tristane, standing

[Tristane] Don't worry about it. [Falke] Yes, thank you, your Majesty.

  • Tristane stands as well.

[Tristane] I can get someone to show you out... [Kalman] . o O ( if my anniversary is in two days, then it was probably almost exactly a year ago that I was at her sister's funeral... ) [Kalman] Alright.

  • Tristane directs one of the guards outside this room to lead you back to the main entrance.
  • Kalman will pay attention to the way
  • Falke as well.

[Diablotin_Narrator] You are outside the palace gates once more... what now? [Kalman] Well... Back to the ofice? [Kalman] (What time is it?) [Diablotin_Narrator] (noon-ish, say) [Kalman] Or, we could get lunch... [Falke] How about to the mess hall?

  • Falke agrees.

[Pavo] We could talk about her offer over lunch... [Boden] I'm good for that. [Kalman] alright [Belden] SUre...

  • Kalman will head that way, then
  • Falke wonders what the void kind of thing the guardian is... :o

[Diablotin_Narrator] You arrive at the mess hall and get your lunches.

  • Kalman will get food and get seated, once we are there, and settle down for whatever conversation we're starting into now :o

[Kalman] I think that went really well. [Falke] It went better than I would have expected.

  • Falke agrees.
  • Belden nods quietly.

[Pavo] No evil cold entity...

  • Kalman nods

[Kalman] That room was a good idea [Falke] I'm glad she has something like it, where she can be safe, if not comfortable. [Kalman] . o O ( or maybe no one has anything to say afterall.... )

  • Kalman nods

[Kalman] exactly [Falke] ...

  • Kalman will eat then.

[Falke] I am worried, though... if history is repeating itself, as it seems to be doing, then Althea and Tristane seem to me to be the counterparts for Enzephir and Jacobine... and whenever I think of them, I hear "brother and sister fo shadow and void..." [Falke] Which doesn't sound particularly good. :/ [Kalman] I don't think it is going to be exactly the same [Falke] I hope not. :/ [Kalman] We should still try to talk to jacobine. [Falke] We didn't ask about that, though... [Kalman] no.... [Falke] You thinking of going the unofficial route? [Kalman] But we could, I'm sure.

  • Falke nods.

[Kalman] it would be easier if we didn't have to... I just didn't think of it. [Kalman] there was so much else to discuss. [Belden] ... You're not talking about breaking into the palace, are you? [Belden] :O [Falke] Either way, I'd like to go along. There's just so much I don't understand. [Kalman] have you asked the new matriarch about it, Belden?\

  • Falke looks over at Belden and smiles mischievously.

[Belden] I don't think that's a good idea... [Falke] Breaking in? I live there. For now, anyway. It's not breaking in if it's your house. [Falke] But no, we should try the official route first. [Kalman] Well, no.

  • Kalman nods

[Falke] It just slipped our minds to ask today. [Kalman] but what about the Matriarch? [Belden] ... What about her? [Kalman] have you asked her about seeing jacobine? [Belden] Oh, of course... No.. no, we hadn't gotten the chance. [Kalman] well... [Kalman] it would probably be just as easy to ask Tristane... if we can remember :p

  • Kalman will finish his lunch then

[Pavo] And about her offer? Is anyone interested? [Falke] I am... I think. [Belden] Offer? [Belden] Oh... [Belden] I don't know. [Falke] To meet the guardian... [Falke] I think it would be useful. [Pavo] No... [Boden] I'll go. [Boden] I don't mind doing that stuff.

  • Kalman listens, because he isn't sure exactly who is talking about what :o

[Pavo] ... when she offered to let us out of the guard.

  • Falke gives Pavo an odd look.

[Falke] I think she was just joking. [Falke] We can't leave now... when so much hinges on us. [Falke] And I don't want to anyway. [Falke] What else would I do with my life, if I'm not a guard? [Kalman] ... I think I missed that :o [Belden] Once this is over... [Belden] All the things we're dealing with now, that's one thing... but after that's done... [Pavo] Who knows when it will be over anyway... [Kalman] :/ [Belden] I don't know if being a palace guard is really what's right for me.

  • Falke smiles.

[Pavo] Even if it does deal with us, who's to say it won't be in another ten or twenty years. [Kalman] YOu could always ask to be transferred back... [Boden] really Belden? What would you do instead? [Falke] I'm sure you could transfer out into another division again, if you wanted. [Belden] I might, Kalman... [Kalman] or, if that wasn't what you meant... you could go somewhere else [Kalman] Maybe they'd give you your own ;) [Belden] I like to be more hands-on with people... [Kalman] I'm sure you'll have earned it by then :) [Boden] :) [Falke] Oh... ssay, Belden... [Falke] I've been meaning to ask... [Belden] I'll probably have to take a bit of time off anyway... [Kalman] . o O ( at the very least :o ) [Belden] Hm?

  • Kalman nods

[Falke] The empty houses on your street... would you mind if I fixed one up? [Falke] I've been wanting to start a free school for a while now, for kids from Pearl and the Shambles. [Falke] I have money now, from the Stone's End treasure. [Belden] THere are lots of houses all over Pearl... I'm sure any one of them would work wonderfully. [Belden] It's a great idea. :) [Falke] I'd only be able to offer evening classes for now... and only in reading and writing. [Falke] But Ilse is sort of thinking of going to the Castalia... [Falke] Some day we might be able to offer them more. [Boden] She wants to study magic Falke? [Falke] No. The Castalia teaches more than that. [Falke] She likes history. :) [Kalman] . o O ( Why can't I think of things like that... why can't I even have the *time* for something like that? ...:( ) [Falke] I was thinking I might be able to hire teachers eventually, by finding people who might match the funding I can provide... [Falke] But... I'm not sure who to approach. [Falke] I don't know who would want to help kids from Pearl. [Belden] The Church@ [Kalman] hmm.

  • Belden says brightly
  • Falke smiles.

[Falke] I thought you might say that. [Boden] yeah, and the spokesmen would help too I bet. [Pavo] You might convince Loch to come by for a night a week if he's still nearby :) [Falke] Maybe. [Falke] Those are all good suggestions. Thanks. :) [Falke] Is there someone in the Church I could talk to about it, Belden? [Belden] Well there are lots of people who have similar goals :) [Falke] Could you introduce me to some? [Belden] Sure! [Falke] Thanks. :)

  • Kalman wonders if he would even have anything to contribute to an effort like that, or if anyone would take him seriously

[Kalman] Hmm... [Kalman] I could maybe contribute something.... [Kalman] I'd have to talk to Glory... but *something*, surely.

  • Falke smiles.

[Falke] That would be great, if you would, Kalman.

  • Kalman nods

[Falke] And well... if any of you have time... you could always give some of that, too. [Falke] I don't know how many kids will be interested in it. [Boden] I bet there will be a lot. [Pavo] I could probably babysit or something... [Kalman] It's a really great idea. [Pavo] I guess I can do a little of a lot of things... *shrugs* Enough to teach a six year old :)

  • Falke smiles.

[Falke] All right... well, I better get a building fixed up first, so there will be a classroom. [Falke] ^-^ [Kalman] that sounds like a plan :) Session Close: Mon Jan 17 22:30:23 2005